hilly regions|hilly region in English

area where there are many hills

Use "hilly regions|hilly region" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hilly regions|hilly region" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hilly regions|hilly region", or refer to the context using the word "hilly regions|hilly region" in the English Dictionary.

1. First, Altitudinal zonation occurs in hilly regions

2. New railroads are rapidly thrusting into the hilly regions.

3. Wall paintings arc an essential part of the art of the hilly regions .

4. The road was hilly and winding.

5. The vineyards are hilly and difficult to cultivate.

6. In desert and hilly regions, where agricultural production is low, people obtain two-thirds of their energy from firewood.

7. It also includes a hilly area and wide beaches.

8. This hilly city is about to get another hill.

9. Amere is built on very hilly terrain with moderate tree cover

10. Adiantum spp is common in plains and hilly tracts of Pakistan

11. Consider a car traveling in a straight line on a hilly road.

12. Hiding beneath this hilly area are the haunting Waitomo Glowworm Caves.

13. It's a short walk to the Cloisters, and it's not too hilly.

14. East India's largest training center is here in the forest with hilly terrain.

15. The headland of this hilly range is unforgettable in its grace and beauty.

16. Our area is a hilly area surrounded on three sides by mountains.

17. The lakeland and the adjoining parts of the neighbouring district Ostholstein constitute the region called Holstein Switzerland, since this is a very hilly countryside.

18. 25 Bath is a very hilly town, not easy for carriages or sedan chairs.

19. Also on the hilly relievo of the shell surface rhombic limitation is observable.

20. This hilly neighborhood is characterized by numerous small art galleries, shops, and restaurants.

21. Irene daydreamed incessantly of hilly streets, cable cars, Chinatown and Rice-o-Roni.

22. I set off at 5 am but those Sussex lanes are pitch dark, and hilly!

23. The bus moves on a hilly way . Ah Ping looks at the cliff nad mountains.

24. Most of the islands are volcanic in origin and have a hilly, rugged terrain.

25. In general terms, the Czech Republic is a hilly plateau surrounded by relatively low mountains